How efficient is your yard operation?

Answer a few simple questions about your operation, and we’ll calculate the potential annual savings that increased efficiency could bring to your business.

Allan Stewart

Chief Operating Officer

Allan's data-driven approach to problem solving has made a big impact on our success at NSSL.

About Allan Stewart

Allan’s career began on the frontlines as a ‘shunter’ providing yard management service in the field. The vision to scale the business within this specialized niche led Allan from the cab to the office. It was here that he helped spearhead the focus on YMS technology to fuel greater efficiency. Providing a solution to our customers that utilized an on-demand, non-hosted format without upfront capital investment was the winning combination from Allan’s perspective.

Project management, operational excellence, driver training, and continual improvement are all areas in which Allan thrives. Allan takes pride in his ability to coach and mentor talented, diverse groups of individuals and build them into a successful team.
moves today
25 /day
average move reduction when switching to NSSL
92 %
driver retention
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